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Luxury Vinyl Flooring or Laminate Flooring?

Flooring | Cherry City Interiors

You love the texture and natural beauty of wood flooring, but you’re on a tight budget and you have a strict deadline. Immediately, you think of stylish laminate flooring and innovative luxury vinyl flooring as possible alternatives, but you’re not sure which is a better fit for your home. What…

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How to Properly Clean Carpet

Proper cleaning tips for carpet | Cherry City Interiors

When making your weekend bucket list, cleaning your carpet is rarely at the top of the list. However, proper carpet cleaning can have many benefits. Carpet is an investment, and it can last for many years when properly maintained.When you properly clean your carpet, you adhere to your manufacturer’s carpet…

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How to Warm Your Basement with Flooring

Fireplace in basement | Cherry City Interiors

The leaves are changing and the nights are getting longer, which means that winter is on its way. If you’ve chosen to turn your home’s basement into a separate living space—whether it’s a game room, movie lounge, or man cave—you’ve probably discovered the challenges of keeping it warm as temperatures drop. Fortunately, there are a…

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5 Ways to Prepare Your Home for the Holidays

Dining room interior | Cherry City Interiors

The holiday season is officially upon us, and it’s time to prepare your home for the holidays. Here at Cherry City Interiors And Design in Salem, OR, it’s our favorite time of the year! We can already hear Santa’s sleigh bells faintly jingling. Have you started to prepare your home for…

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How to Protect Your Hardwood Over the Holidays

Hardwood flooring | Cherry City Interiors

The holidays are not only a stressful season for our minds and bodies, but they can also be stressful for our homes as well. All of the merrymaking brings snowy boots, spilled eggnog, and scratches and scruffs to your beautiful hardwood flooring. If you’ve recently purchased new hardwood from [Retailer…

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Your Thanksgiving Dinner Prep List

Dining room interior | Cherry City Interiors

Sure, it’s Halloween…but Thanksgiving is so close that we can almost smell those pumpkin pies baking in the oven. Here at Cherry City Interiors And Design in Salem, OR, we’re about to start preparing our homes (and our tables!) for one of the most delicious holidays! We know preparing for Thanksgiving…

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Choosing the Best Carpet

Choose best carpet | Cherry City Interiors

School has been back in session, the family calendar is full, and cooler months are finally rolling in. With this, many homeowners are considering sprucing up their homes with new carpet before the holidays. Is new carpet on your pre-holiday wishlist? If so, the team at Cherry City Interiors And Design in [Retailer…

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How to Embrace Hygge This Season

Embrace hygge Carpet | Cherry City Interiors

Cooler temperatures are finally upon us in most parts of the country, and we’re focusing our attention on the inside of our homes as we prepare to bundle up. Here at Cherry City Interiors And Design in Salem, OR, we’re noticing a trend that the Danish people call ‘hygge (pronounced as…

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BeautiFALL Sale

Beautifall sale | Cherry City Interiors

Warm up a mug of apple cider and turn on a college football game. Fall is finally here!As you’re carving pumpkins and picking farm-fresh apples, the upcoming holidays are sure to be dancing in the back of your mind. Is your home ready for the onslaught of holiday parties and…

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Fabulous Flooring Sale

Fabulous flooring | Cherry City Interiors

Summer is slowly winding down and we’re all getting ready for the back-to-school season here at Cherry City Interiors And Design in Salem, OR. The summer season always goes by much too fast, and we’re savoring the final days of splashing in the pool, vacations to the beach, juicy watermelons, and…

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